Why is Big Sean trending? Rapper responds after Nintendo Switch picture sparks meme fest on Twitter
Big Sean recently found himself on the Twitter trending page after an alleged private picture of the rapper made the rounds on social media.
According to The Shade Room, the now-deleted photo was allegedly uploaded by the rapper to his close friends on Instagram but was accidentally made available to the public.
The situation led to several people making humorous comparisons of the image with Nintendo Switch and even talking about the musician’s girlfriend, Grammy-nominated singer Jhene Aiko.
As the picture went viral on social media, Sean addressed the situation and debunked the rumors. The musician commented on The Shade Room’s Instagram post and clarified that the alleged photo did not belong to him:
“This is not me”The latest online drama comes days after Sean and Aiko posed for a loved-up picture at the Super Bowl backstage, before the latter’s performance.
"Big fan of him all of a sudden" - Twitter reacts to Big Sean’s alleged viral photo
Big Sean, whose real name is Sean Michael Leonard Anderson, recently made news after an alleged personal photo of the singer went viral on social media.
Although the rapper immediately shot down the claims and clarified that the photo did not belong to him, netizens continued to react to the situation with hilarious memes and funny remarks. Several people also took to Twitter to share their reactions to the situation:
As reactions continue to pour in online, it remains to be seen if Sean will acknowledge the situation again in the days to come.
On the career front, the rapper recently collaborated with Queen Naija on their new single Hate Our Love. While promoting the song on an Instagram live, Sean also announced that he is currently working on a new album with his girlfriend, Jhene Aiko:
“I’m here working on [a] new album and new TWENTY88, me and Jhene… we’ve been working on it for a little bit... It’s coming along good though.”The couple first collaborated for their hit EP TWENTY88 in 2016. The pair also confirmed their relationship that same year. The duo briefly parted ways in 2018 but have reportedly reconciled and are currently dating each other.
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