What is Adam Thielen's net worth? Contract breakdown, salary of the former Vikings WR in 2023
Last Friday, the Minnesota Vikings dismissed wide receiver Adam Thielen. Adam Thielen began his NFL career with the Minnesota Vikings in 2014. He stayed with them for nine seasons and currently stands as a free agent.
Adam Thielen's current net worth is expected to be about $5 million in 2023.
Thielen went undrafted in the 2013 NFL draft before attending a rookie tryout and assessment session with the Minnesota Vikings at Winter Park. Thielen signed a three-year, $1.48 million contract with the Minnesota Vikings as an undrafted free agent on May 6, 2013.
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In 2016, he agreed to a one-year, $600,000 tender with Minnesota. The following year, the franchise gave him a $2.746 million one-year tender. However, ten days later, he agreed to a four-year, $19.246 million contract with the Vikings.
Thielen extended his contract with Minnesota through 2024 by signing a four-year, $64 million contract in 2019. He converted a bonus worth $10 million from his 2021 contract in March 2021, freeing up $7.5 million from Minnesota's cap.
He revised his contract with Minnesota last year, creating $5.16 million in cap space. But on March 10, 2023, the Vikings released him, creating $6.4 million in cap room.
Thielen has earned $65,131,941 in his nine years as a professional football player.
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What are the possible landing spots for Adam Thielen in 2023?
The best possible landing spots for Adam Thielen are the Buffalo Bills, Kansas City Chiefs, and the Baltimore Ravens.
Thielen would rejoin Stefon Diggs, a longtime colleague in Minnesota, if he joins the Buffalo Bills. He would also provide Josh Allen, the quarterback, with a solid backup, something the Bills glaringly lacked throughout the previous postseason.
The Chiefs will have another void at wide receiver as a result of JuJu Smith-Schuster's free agency. To boost Kadarius Toney's role in the offense next season, the defending Super Bowl champions would benefit greatly from the addition of a dependable veteran like Thielen.
The Ravens must improve their receiving group whether Lamar Jackson remains or not. Even if Adam Thielen isn't Justin Jefferson or Cooper Kupp, it would surely ease Baltimore's wide receiver issues. As already noted, he is a reliable veteran presence who may be useful to young players like Rashod Bateman.
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